Tuesday, January 20, 2009

6 more Days to go .......

Mike, thank you for your baby gift to us. You have captured our last week of pregnancy and we had a really great time. I will treasure these pictures and share them with our little one. He is either going to think his Mommy and Daddy are really cool or really crazy! One Love.


Diva Las Vegas said...

I forgot to ask you in my email - when did you POP OUT?!?! Your stomach is beautiful - I feel like it really grew in the last few posts, at least from the pics I've seen. You look so gorgeous Raquella!


CocoTheForce said...

yea mikey! soooo great! you look sooo gorgeous. some of the outside ones you sent were HILARIOUS! definitely our favs. OMG! i can't imagine what your going through right now. i think about you everyday!

Dunia said...

y'all are crazy...I have the stopwaych ready to go though.