Thursday, October 30, 2008

Nesting Time!

Well, we just buckled down and made the call.....time to get things going and ready for the baby. So, today is day one of construction and it started at 7am! The team came into our home covered all of our furnishings and started knocking down our bedroom wall so that our space could be more open and we can have a special space for Baby Barack Obama Best. :)....................I'm joking.  We will all let you know when we have finalized his name, the minute he is born. Promise. (smile) Who knows it might be on Inaugural Day! What a year to be born into .......... a historical year of hope and change! Anyways, sorry I divert, back to Nesting!  When the construction is finished it's going to be so nice to prepare the space where we are going to spend time with him. It is so amazing the careful thought you put in on where the baby is going to sleep, where you will put the chair for feeding, closet space, storage space.... He is moving more and more everyday, and I am getting more and more excited. Except for the "not getting sleep part". I love my sleep..zzzzzz

Doctors Update: Yesterday I had my Gestational Diabetes test and it came out negative. My sugar level is normal. The only thing iron is low, so my doctor is having me take iron tablets 2 times a day. Otherwise everything is great. Babies heart beat is strong and sounds like a funky drummer. I put on 6 more pounds. And from now on the doctor says I will notice a rapid growing of the belly.....and its starting. I need help getting out of any seat....sad. :)  

I came across this great article reading my friends blog! What a family needs after birth. 

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Thursday, October 16, 2008

He's Moving!

What we look forward to everyday is the baby moving! I would be lying down and shout out for Ahmed. "Come quick, he's moving". Ahmed would drop everything he is doing, run in the room, hands on and speaking into my Belly like a microphone.  We look absolutely rediculous! We would just laugh and be so amazed at his movement (hiccups, kicks, punches) whatever he is doing, I am enjoying all of it. We sing and have little conversations with him, and he is definately listening. He loves Ahmed's voice, I think his deep tone resonates with him, because he always kicks when he hears him. And every time I touch my bell, he finds me. I love it. I love my baby.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Got Meditation?

Today I'm having a little quiet time. I'm having a hard time relaxing and a huge surge of anxiety has hit me like a Mac Truck. Without sounding like a crazy person, the little voices in my head everyday is giving me a check list of things to do. Like today: register at the hospital we're delivering, sign up for childbirth class,cpr class,breastfeeding class, look into adding an dependent on my health insurance, am I going back to the east coast for one last visit before I have to stop traveling?, did I just spend my life hustling and saving my life earnings to be lost by wallstreet, since I've been out of sight am I going to be out of mind to get work after the baby, I need to get the baby room together(get it painted,furniture,organize, etc).  Uggghh! So much to do, and everybody is tell me sit back and enjoy. How does that work? Somebody let me know the secret! 

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Prenatal Yoga Pt. 2/Baby Registry

I think I mentioned that I joined this amazing Yoga School. They have a lot of prenatal classes on thier schedule, so I decided to try a couple different teachers. So, last nite I tried a new teacher. She was very sweet and docile looking. She welcomed everyone in her soft nuturing voice. Then she began class with a "share"......which is a simple story that occurs in your daily life that gives you an awakening of some sort. And she kept on using the word "freakin" or "friggin".  And I almost started cracking up, cause I didn't expect to hear this in yoga. Hey, I went to school in New Jersey, so I am a fan and use it often, But in Yoga!!! NO! 


On another note. Everyone has been asking me where we registered for the baby and when is our shower. We have registered at  I have no shower information.  
We've chosen a lime green/blue  color scheme for the room........and that's it for now.  See you next posting. :)