Wednesday, December 31, 2008

36 Weeks!!!

Today we had our weekly doctor's appointment. We had an ultrasound to measure the baby and track his growth. My doctor giggled and told me " Don't let your little belly fool you, he is a nice size". So far he is 6-6 1/2 poounds and all legs and arms! :) I have 4 more weeks to go and he can gain a pound a week at this point...which would be a scary thought. Ouch! On the bright side, she said his long legs and arms is easier to come out.....and he doesn't have a big head! Yes!!!
We havent had an ultra sound in a very long time, so it was so exciting to be able to see his growth at this point. He was soooo active we couldn't even see his face properly! His little arms were in front of his face, he was kicking and was quite exciting. But not so much when I am trying to sleep, which is very hard to come by. His head is down (which is great), but his feet are literally in my ribs! Sometimes, I can see a foot pertruding from the top of my belly.  It feels like he is going to burst through my skin. I make sound effects like "Woooo" or "OOooo" everytime (it never gets old to me). Ahmed and I try to soothe him by putting our hands on his foot to settle him down. It doesn't really work, but feeling his limbs through my belly is so exhilirating!

Happy New Years!

Monday, December 22, 2008

Just the two of us.

This is the 10th Christmas that Ahmed and I will have spent together. Looking back all of those years......we have come a long way from courting to making a family. This year is a very special year because it will be the last one we spend together, just the two of us. We decided that we are going to re-live our first Christmas and cook dinner together, snuggle, and enjoy each others company.  Ten years ago we were jet setting on tour and ended up doing 2 months in London, during the Holidays. Till this day, it was one of my favorites, maybe until next year. :) 

We have a lot to be thankful for this year. We have our health,family,friends, a roof, love, and a beautiful son on the way. Thank you God. 
Wishing you all a safe and happy holiday from the three of us. You will all be in our hearts. 
Merry Christmas & Happy New Year! ( all holidays are included)

The Best

Wednesday, December 10, 2008


Two days ago I did the baby's first load of laundry that he received from the baby shower. It was very weird. I kept on talking to him......"Can you believe I am doing your laundry baby?" It was such a surreal feeling. I was separating colors and folding his little blankets and pairing up his little socks! All I kept on thinking, Oh my gosh....he is going to be here very soon.  I don't even feel close to being ready. Not only superwoman persona is slowly fatiguing by the day. This is the 3rd day I completely crashed at 3:30pm for a nap. What is happening? I have to get things done! Anyhow....I am resolved to taking it one day at a time, it will get done. Right?

Tomorrow, I will continue purging and cleaning. And most importantly, I will be on the hunt for the best pediatrician in Los Angeles.....who will accept my insurance of course. :) So, much to do...

Thursday, December 4, 2008

32 weeks!!!!!

I am posting these pictures by request of my pregger BFN ......Coralissa!

Friday, November 28, 2008

West Coast Love!

This past weekend, three of our dearest friends (Lynn,Darrel&Francine) host a Jack and Jill Baby shower for Ahmed and I. We had such a beautiful day with friends playing games(such as, guess how big is Raquel's belly? How fast can you diaper the baby doll.......(the men made it look like a sport), alot of creative onesies were made. In addition to the festivities......there was a lot of laughing, catching up and eating! Again, We were just so overwhelmed by the overflow of love, support and just plain old excitement about the new addition to our family. It has been such an exciting time for all of us and the generosity of all of family and friends have been incredible. We are deeply humbled to have all of you in our lives and we appreciate and love you very much!!!!! Thank You!

Thursday, November 13, 2008

A mothers love

        Me and Mommy           My Diaper Cake. Genius!

          My mother-inlaw (Mahmondylla)  and my best friend Kim (and her daughter Amel)

This past week Ahmed and I used this last opportunity to spend some time with some of our family and dear friends. It was a world wind of events and visitations, but somehow we made it happen! I will briefly share some of the things that we did.......
One of my best friends in the world Kim got us Nets tickets! I am a die hard fan.....yes, even when they loose, but they won! It was a double date with Kim&Tony me&Ahmed and it was so much fun. Looking back.....that is probably not going to happen for quite some time when the baby arrives. I know all of you parents are saying an Amen to that! 
I got a kick out of watching my Mom, brother Delvin and his fiance' Tiffany's reactions the first time they felt the baby kicking. There faces just lit up. We also visited Ahmed's parents and they were just thrilled to see my belly including old friends, family, & Grandpa! ....It was just so nice to see everyone.
Apparently, when I told my Mom that I was going to make a last minute trip to the East Coast she quickly called my friend Kim to plan a shower. I don't know how they did it, but together with Ahmed's help, threw me such a nice intimate gathering of friends and family. It was so sweet and touching......I am so thankful for the people in my life. Thank you to everyone that came and celebrated my first baby. Everyone was so generous with the gifts and showered me with lots of love. (You too Daddy, Thank you so much) My mom made the most amazing food, her friends helped set up, .....I pigged out! And on top of that, to get me out of the house..... Kim treated me to a girls day at the spa on Park Ave (fancy :). I was really wondering why she made it early on a Sunday morning. I was so relaxed and comatose when I got back to the house. I was in ultra-relaxation mode I didn't suspect a thing! lol.  Funny, I've been away for 8yrs......but there is something about going home, a mothers love...... I really appreciated all the advice, tips, and passed on wisdom from all the mommies I know.  I will treasure them all, especially my Mom. Thank you. xoxoxoxo

Saturday, November 1, 2008

The Video That Makes Me Laugh!

this has nothig to do with my pregnancy, but this clip makes me crack up. Hope it makes you chuckle too.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Nesting Time!

Well, we just buckled down and made the call.....time to get things going and ready for the baby. So, today is day one of construction and it started at 7am! The team came into our home covered all of our furnishings and started knocking down our bedroom wall so that our space could be more open and we can have a special space for Baby Barack Obama Best. :)....................I'm joking.  We will all let you know when we have finalized his name, the minute he is born. Promise. (smile) Who knows it might be on Inaugural Day! What a year to be born into .......... a historical year of hope and change! Anyways, sorry I divert, back to Nesting!  When the construction is finished it's going to be so nice to prepare the space where we are going to spend time with him. It is so amazing the careful thought you put in on where the baby is going to sleep, where you will put the chair for feeding, closet space, storage space.... He is moving more and more everyday, and I am getting more and more excited. Except for the "not getting sleep part". I love my sleep..zzzzzz

Doctors Update: Yesterday I had my Gestational Diabetes test and it came out negative. My sugar level is normal. The only thing iron is low, so my doctor is having me take iron tablets 2 times a day. Otherwise everything is great. Babies heart beat is strong and sounds like a funky drummer. I put on 6 more pounds. And from now on the doctor says I will notice a rapid growing of the belly.....and its starting. I need help getting out of any seat....sad. :)  

I came across this great article reading my friends blog! What a family needs after birth. 

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Thursday, October 16, 2008

He's Moving!

What we look forward to everyday is the baby moving! I would be lying down and shout out for Ahmed. "Come quick, he's moving". Ahmed would drop everything he is doing, run in the room, hands on and speaking into my Belly like a microphone.  We look absolutely rediculous! We would just laugh and be so amazed at his movement (hiccups, kicks, punches) whatever he is doing, I am enjoying all of it. We sing and have little conversations with him, and he is definately listening. He loves Ahmed's voice, I think his deep tone resonates with him, because he always kicks when he hears him. And every time I touch my bell, he finds me. I love it. I love my baby.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Got Meditation?

Today I'm having a little quiet time. I'm having a hard time relaxing and a huge surge of anxiety has hit me like a Mac Truck. Without sounding like a crazy person, the little voices in my head everyday is giving me a check list of things to do. Like today: register at the hospital we're delivering, sign up for childbirth class,cpr class,breastfeeding class, look into adding an dependent on my health insurance, am I going back to the east coast for one last visit before I have to stop traveling?, did I just spend my life hustling and saving my life earnings to be lost by wallstreet, since I've been out of sight am I going to be out of mind to get work after the baby, I need to get the baby room together(get it painted,furniture,organize, etc).  Uggghh! So much to do, and everybody is tell me sit back and enjoy. How does that work? Somebody let me know the secret! 

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Prenatal Yoga Pt. 2/Baby Registry

I think I mentioned that I joined this amazing Yoga School. They have a lot of prenatal classes on thier schedule, so I decided to try a couple different teachers. So, last nite I tried a new teacher. She was very sweet and docile looking. She welcomed everyone in her soft nuturing voice. Then she began class with a "share"......which is a simple story that occurs in your daily life that gives you an awakening of some sort. And she kept on using the word "freakin" or "friggin".  And I almost started cracking up, cause I didn't expect to hear this in yoga. Hey, I went to school in New Jersey, so I am a fan and use it often, But in Yoga!!! NO! 


On another note. Everyone has been asking me where we registered for the baby and when is our shower. We have registered at  I have no shower information.  
We've chosen a lime green/blue  color scheme for the room........and that's it for now.  See you next posting. :)

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

We are still Nameless

This is my latest photo in my 6 month phase. We still have no name except for the fact we are going to give him our Family names   Horsford Best, otherwise we are flirting with ideas but nothing has really spoken to us. We don't want to just give a name to give a name. We want it to hit us .........and us to smile and say "Yes, that's the one!" 

For now....... we just joke and call him Baby Barack Obama Best.

Monday, September 29, 2008

Busy Busy Busy!

Last week I had a working/vacation in Brazil. I went with a group of veteran Stompers to Rio and Bahia for 10 days. We were part of an international percussion festival and it was awesome! Now...I know what you all are she crazy?! No worries, I had a whole cast hovering and taking care of me. I was giving it my all but I definitely was not running my body to the ground. I slept on down time and ate at every buffet sitting. It was so nice not to think about what to was just there. Granted, I ate rice and beans almost everyday, at least i didn't have to order or cook it!
                                                                  Sugar Cane! Yummm!

After our first performance, our baby boy decided to let me know how much he loved all of the vibrations. In the green room, I  touched my stomach and I felt him move for the first time. He definately has Ahmed's body, just feels like long limbs moving all around. It was weird...I didn't feel anything internally, but I felt him by touch. He was definately responding to the movement & rythms from that evening. Yes!!!!!

Babies first performance.

    Baby's 1st Dip in the Atlantic Ocean.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Prenatal Yoga

I finally signed up for Prenata Yoga yesterday and took my first class at It is a very spacious, zen like, yoga Mecca that most of the hippie/hipsters attend. 
To be honest I am more of a power yoga person, my idea of a workout involves some type of perspiration! But I walked in with an open mind and with the great thoughts of the good service I was going to give to my baby boy. Anyways, I walked in with my yoga mat, found a spot on the floor and joined five other expecting mothers. The yoga instructor was a very soft spoken woman with a hipnotic, relaxing voice. She said that she was going to put us through a series of exercises to prepare us to mentally work through pain. Initially when we went through these exercises, and I thought no problem! Then we were doing this upper body swimming motion for 5 minutes and I was dying! As we were going through the motion she highly discouraged us from epidurals, etc. but if we needed it it was ok. I have a feeling that contractions hurt more than those exercises, but I bought a 10 class series card anyway I will have time to think about her thoughts, past birthing experiences and the non use of drugs. .......eventhough I am kind of set on it. 
Class was pretty challenging at 22weeks as we continued I was hoping we would have to do any hokey .....then she made us hold hands and talk to our partner(another expecting mother) about what we feared and what we were thankful for. Suprisingly I was ok. Then......we had to Chant ....Now, I always giggle when I have to chant or sing a song about the sunshine within you......but I didn't.   I must be becoming a softy and I actually felt wonderful! So I will be taking again next week! Yeah!!! Namaste.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

5 Months!!!!!!!

Our good friend Liinde offered to take pictures of me and Ahmed. We didn't plan it we were just hanging out in the back yard and I think she did a great job. Thank you Liinde!

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Drum Roll Please...............

It's a .......BOY!!!!!!The nurse asked us "Are you sure you want to know the sex?" And she waved that ultra sound wand 
on my belly,
 and there was no deny
ing it! LOL
This new technology is amazing!!!! We took 4D pictures of the baby today and I was just blown
 away with the images. We could see his face and some of his features, his hands, feet, heartbeat,cheek bones..........everything! He is not fully developed, but I think he is a very handsome baby boy. Congratulations
Grandparents, Great Aunts&Uncles, Aunties&Uncles, Cousins, & Friends..........   Now we just have to register and think of a good name! It sounds easy..........  
Best, Raquel

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Almost, Half way there!!!!!!

Hello Family & Friends,
This entry is not about anything specific..... in fact it will be quite random Ok? So, Here I go! I am 19 weeks! Feeling good.  Food digestion gets a little tricky sometimes, but I feel like a million bucks compared to the first trimester. Every morning I take my prenatal vitamins (which are HUGE) But let me tell you. I have the most fantastic looking fingernails......they have never been this long in my life. I also slather on that body butter on my belly to keep my skin moist. I was doing a coco butter, but now I'm onto a mango seed butter and loving it.  I also drink tons of water. Which explains why I cannot sleep through the night.
My belly is slowly growing. I'm still wearing my clothes, but whenever I sit down I definitely un-button the top button for some ease. For exercise I take a jazz dance class3-4 a week and on the days I don't take class I go to the gym and cardio for 30 min and do some sort of strengthening for 30min. All at a comfortable pace. I do not go overboard. Although I can see some of you shaking your heads right now. I'm sorry.....I cannot keep still! 

How do I have the energy? NAP,NAP, NAP!

This summer was nice and quiet this year. I had a nice salt water pool day at my friends house Darrell & Francine (great family). I surprised their daughters Sydney and Kendell with a visit last week and we just soaked and swam for hours in the pool and it was so nice. And it got me thinking .....a girl would be nice...they like to do girly things. I like to do girly things. They are barely preteen and I am.......(lol)......well anyways we talked and laughed for hours and it was so relaxing!....... A girl! 
That same day Ahmed and I went to the finale show of this popular MTV show called "America's Best Dance Crew" with his friend Seth. So, we go. And they just start cutting up!  To join in the conversation I had to interject in a Sketch Comedy Show fashion. It was hilarious. But,they just couldn't stop being goofy (even though it was a blast). Then that got me thinking ............. A Boy? Could I handle a little boy with twice the energy and charisma as Ahmed. LOL Oh God!!!  A Boy!     We find out this Thursday.  :)  xoxo

Sunday, August 17, 2008

See....I have a Bump!

I know.........been horrible with the blogging. I hope with this post I will be able to redeem myself. :) I have been long awaiting the baby bump. Everyone laughs at me when they see me. I tell them look at my stomach and I stick it out and rub it. In turn I get this perplexed look and then they respond " you hungry?", "you just finished working out?"  In my mind I feel that everyone can see that I'm pregnant. So I have a photo from an movie screening Ahmed and I attended last Sunday and another I took today in my workout clothes so you can see a little something. It's still early ...4months.
I did feel a little fluttering on the right side of my stomach and I believe there might have been a little dancing feet going on. I was cleaning the kitchen to my Soca Therapy Volume 2 Mix I can understand the need to jam. :) 
I am feeling better and better as time moves on.  I just wish I could get through the nite with out getting up every 2hrs to pee! I guess its God's way to prepare me for when the baby comes.

I have gotten to the point where I no longer lay on my back to sleep or exersise. One its dangerous for the baby(slows blood flow) and its just uncomfortable.  Ummm....whatelse? Oh... I'm eating healthy. I didn't have any cravings untill I fell in love with this cucumber avacado sandwich I made. I know wierd, but it agrees with me. 

Oh! Is it a Girl or Boy?............we will find out Very Soon!!!!!

Lots of Love,