Saturday, January 24, 2009


Mommy is here... and we are so thankful! The past couple of days has been extremely exhausting for me. Ahmed and my Mom have been so amazing.....they have no idea. I am trying to get as much rest as I can, especially when the baby is resting! ( he is already getting me in practice) When he is active, I try to take walks and practice my yoga stretches to relieve the pressure in my back. Tommorow is supposed to be the big day. The anticipation is killing me! :)
Thank you to all new mommies who have been giving me amazing tips. And my girls (& my boys) who have extended their time and love to me. You are all Goddesses!
My bag is packed. The babies bag is packed. The baby car seat is installed. The nursery is set up.... and we just finished our Birthing Plan (which is a list of things we would prefer to be administered or not during our labor/birthing experience in the hospital). I don't know what is going to happen in the next couple of days, but just pray and send good vibes for a quick and easy delivery.:) We are so excited for the Birthday to come, when it does.....I will also do my best to have Ahmed contact you all on the delivery news.  

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

6 more Days to go .......

Mike, thank you for your baby gift to us. You have captured our last week of pregnancy and we had a really great time. I will treasure these pictures and share them with our little one. He is either going to think his Mommy and Daddy are really cool or really crazy! One Love.

Friday, January 16, 2009

The Countdown Begins!

I can't help staring at the little nursery that we set up in our bedroom. I keep on looking at his little bassinet, imagining the sounds he will make, what his little face is going to look like. I am going to have a little human being in only 10 days!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Thank you Friends & Family

We have the most amazing friends! Thank you Family!! I appreciate all of the visits,  phone calls, text messages, voice messages, emails.......You know who you are..... I feel truly blessed to have you in our lives.
My belly continues to expand and the baby has been extremely active. He is 7 1/2 pounds thus far...... I don't know how that much baby is fitting into my belly, I have 2 more weeks left! Is it possible for the baby to grow anymore? Woooo.....I feel like I am going to burst. 

I am nearly finished with the nesting. I am retiring from house work this week and hiring or welcoming helping hands. I am tired! 

Below are pictures of me with my (BFN) friend Coralissa who is 5months pregnant and glowing! Even though she insist its her bronzer that she bought from M.A.C. lol. 
And Carlos who was completely wierded out when the baby moved. He squealed! lol

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

37 weeks 2 day..........only 20 days to go!

Ughhhhh!  Last night I went to bed and literally woke up every two hours. I know I have mentioned this before but literally got up at 1am, 3am, 5am, 7am, that point I just gave up on sleep. It has been 2 hours and I haven't gone to the bathroom yet! Figures. 
My appetite has been a little strange. I have been eating very healthy thus far, but for some reason I have been leaning towards the sweets.  Thank goodness I only have 3 weeks to go. The last weeks until I deliver I am just going to walk and take yoga. I will be living in empire waist shirts, leggings and sweatpants. I have been very lucky with my wardrobe. I have actually been getting away with not buying one maternity outfit. But since I've reached 146pds..........I just cannot! so I improvise with a elastic band.
A couple of days ago I assembled the "breast pump". I turned that thing on, the hum of the machine scared me. I called for Ahmed and told him "I was was nervous about this". Then we just started laughing. I told him to "try it for me". Of course he looked at me like .....are you serious? Then he saw in my face how scared I was.  He quickly took the shield, put it on his chest and I turned it on . He said "look it doesn't hurt", then I cranked it to the max, his nipple stretched about an inch, and he screamed "Ouch"  I turned it off quickly and we both cracked up ........."see I told you".  I just wanted to say....Ahmed thank you so much for your support and entertaining me with such antics.Love you. xoxo Muah!!!