Sunday, August 17, 2008

See....I have a Bump!

I know.........been horrible with the blogging. I hope with this post I will be able to redeem myself. :) I have been long awaiting the baby bump. Everyone laughs at me when they see me. I tell them look at my stomach and I stick it out and rub it. In turn I get this perplexed look and then they respond " you hungry?", "you just finished working out?"  In my mind I feel that everyone can see that I'm pregnant. So I have a photo from an movie screening Ahmed and I attended last Sunday and another I took today in my workout clothes so you can see a little something. It's still early ...4months.
I did feel a little fluttering on the right side of my stomach and I believe there might have been a little dancing feet going on. I was cleaning the kitchen to my Soca Therapy Volume 2 Mix I can understand the need to jam. :) 
I am feeling better and better as time moves on.  I just wish I could get through the nite with out getting up every 2hrs to pee! I guess its God's way to prepare me for when the baby comes.

I have gotten to the point where I no longer lay on my back to sleep or exersise. One its dangerous for the baby(slows blood flow) and its just uncomfortable.  Ummm....whatelse? Oh... I'm eating healthy. I didn't have any cravings untill I fell in love with this cucumber avacado sandwich I made. I know wierd, but it agrees with me. 

Oh! Is it a Girl or Boy?............we will find out Very Soon!!!!!

Lots of Love,